Tankless Hot Water Heaters
Tankless water heaters are an alternative to traditional water heaters. They work by using electricity or gas burner. The power source is able to warm the water as it travels from the pipes to the water heater. This supplies you with a more reliable source of hot water. Say goodbye to cold showers in the morning and lukewarm water that won’t heat up. They’re convenient, easily installed, more power efficient, and operate faster than traditional water heaters.
Tankless hot water heaters are convenient!
Tankless hot water heaters provide hot water longer and without drops in temperature when least expected. This is convenient for daily showers, or when you want to treat yourself to a comforting bath. Additionally, tankless water heaters are scald-proof. Depending on the model, your tankless water heater may come with advanced controls like self-diagnostic programs or advanced sensors. This prevents burning and comes with an auto shut-off feature to keep you and your loved ones safe. For larger homes with a lot of people and extra water usage, we suggest getting two tankless water heater units installed. Did you know you can also install separate tankless water heaters for your appliances? For example, you can have one built especially for your dishwasher or laundry machine.