Standby Back Up Generators
A generator is an appliance that can supply electricity for your home, your business or when you’re on the go. Despite what the name implies, generators don’t actually create electricity. Instead, they take another form of energy and convert it into electricity.
Have you ever been away on vacation and returned to find that your power went out and your basement flooded? Or have you ever been snowed in when the power goes out, and now you are without heat until electricity is restored to your home? When the power goes out, due to inclement weather or overload on the power grids, An Automatic standby generator will true on with no effort on your part. Anytime it’s needed, day or night, with you inside or out of your home, your generator can be set to switch on and keep your home functioning. With a Generac backup generator, installed by Suburban Services Group, you will not have to worry about these potential disasters happening to your home.
Generac Guardian Standby Back-Up Generator
A home backup generator protects your home automatically. It runs on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel, and sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit. Home standby generators give you peace of mind, even when you’re away. Power is automatically restored to critical systems like the A/C, water, fridge/freezer, or the entire house. Continue watching the game or working on your PC, like nothing ever happened.
We know that we are the best with standby and back up generators. We pride ourselves on having the best customer service in the area. Call us today for the best standby generator!